Garden of Delights

The past few days Taima and I have been dyeing wool. We started with goldenrod and today we made a dye bath of marigold petals. We cut the flowers yesterday and soaked them overnight in steel pot. We simmered the petals today and them placed the yarn into the pale yellow mixture. Because the bath is light colored we are going to let the yarn soak for a few hours. So tomorrow we will see what awaits us.

On another note..our garden has seen better summers. With the wet, rainy and cooler temperatures the squash and tomato plants have not been very fruitful. Several of the tomato plants withered away with tomato blight. A disease that apparently was transmitted from transplant tomatoes grown in the South and brought to Michigan. With ideal temperatures and loads of rain the disease germinated and pretty much decimated most of our neighbors tomato plants. I quickly picked off all mine including the green ones which are now on the dining room table waiting to ripen. I removed the entire plant from the garden and even dumped the soil that some of our container splants reside
