Black Gold

Growing up I was a Barbie Doll girl. I had ballet Barbie, tanning Barbie, gymnastic Barbie and even a grow-up Skipper. I would rotate her left arm and viola! breasts appeared! Sara, my best friend, and I would take over the living room and create elaborate houses for our doll families. We embellished the rooms with knick knacks from the shelves in the library or swiped from my Dad's office. We spent hours dressing the dolls up in glittery evening gowns with velvet coats or faux fur stoles. Never mind that between the two of us we had all the latest Barbie paraphernalia; houses, an airplane, a camper and a dune buggy. And we spent hours and hours if not days focused on our game. Never in our wildest imagination did we think of playing with toy trucks or moving dirt around with shovels and wheelbarrows. To play outside was only to bring our dolls with us and run around in the corn fields surrounding Sara's farmhouse. As adult I fondly remember my Barbie days. When we bought our first farm toy..the Kubota, I scoffed at the mere mention of driving it let alone doing chores with it. I swore to myself that I would not even attempt master it. First of all I knew if I learned how to drive it, I would be responsible to carry out any chores involved with it. Secondly, I was scared. It is a large piece of machinery. Well those sentiments lasted about a year. I am glad to say that I did learn how to drive the tractor. Not only do I love to cruise around, I won't let anyone else mow or turn the compost pile!! I still am a bit nervous of driving it on a hill (in case it would turn over) and I do watch to make sure the bucket is not too high. But other than that ...I am sorry for the time I lost. I love to rev it up and drive out to flip compost.
And I am glad to say that my efforts are finally having some results. I have been churning up the pile about every other day. Adding some organic matter from the kitchen, dried leaves and of course poop. I am maintaining a temperature of about 125F. This is good as it means the pile is working its magic and soon I will have black gold to put on my garden. Thank you Alpacas!


The Culprit--Captain Cavalier


  1. I was the same way and like you...I am the Queen of the Kubota now. I wonder what Barbie would say but I know that mine would have turned her party dress in for muck boots if she had an alpaca to care for.

    You are doing better than me with the compost pile. Mine is strickly poo...we haven't gotten to turning and caring for ours yet. Need to add that to my to-do list now.


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