False Alarm

I had a premonition this morning. I knew that I should have put the goats in yesterday. I did not. I think that I dreamt that I did move them indoors. When I woke up I could have kicked myself. It was lightening, thundering and pouring rain. I managed to get through chores and finally to the goats. They have a small Little Tyke play toy that I put a tarp over to keep them dry. It is a temporary housing until Sam can get a proper shed built for them. New goat is huge now. She is due June 13. I swear she is going to pop. The alpacas never look this bad! She was nestled down inside the house and I swear I saw the beginnings of a delivery. I ran around trying to gather up the birthing kit, etc. I called my goat mentor and she advised not to move her if she is in labor. I have had a stall prepared for her for one month now! Taima sat inside the toy with New Goat (we still cannot decide on a name) to monitor her until I could get my bearings. All for naught! No kids and besides it is way too early. We did manage to get her into a stall in the barn as it stormed the rest of the day. We put Anna Nana and Juliette in a stall too. Juliette really prefers to be the with the minis but she did finally concede and enter the barn. All is not lost however because tomorrow I will clean the paddock and get it ready to build the new shed.
Meanwhile I am reading up on delivery of kids. I found a great site for all things goat--Fiasco Farm. Other sources I have read state that 95% of deliveries go well. I am worried though. I suspect triplets. Multiples frequently become tangled in the uterus. I better go buy those long gloves tomorrow....
