Via Verde Farm goes to a Job Fair

I was invited to speak at the Eastern Middle School Job Fair in the Forest Hills Public School District yesterday. I was of course speaking about my job as an Alpaca Farmer. This is the third year I have gone to the fair but the first time I took alpacas. The girls were the star event! I took Esmerelda and Areiya. Both are crias born this past fall. They were amazing. They were adorable and the kids loved them. I brought a slew of alpaca related items for the kids for show and tell. While that was of some interest they could not keep their eyes off the crias. I gave a fifteen minute talk about alpaca farming and in this picture they were listening to me as I was answering some of the questions they had to fill out on their forms. The crias were tough competition! But I didn't mind. I am just happy there was so much interest. It was a great day. I finished about 11 AM and got home just in time to bottle feed our new kid goats.


  1. I spoke at Career Day last year...never thought about taking a couple of Alpacas. Good call. Nice display for all of your product too.

  2. I love how alpacas like to stand with their necks close together like that ... so cute!

  3. They stood that way the entire time! I think they were a bit nervous. It was their first time off the farm. But they did so wonderful. I am proud of them!

  4. What a great opportunity, it looks like a fun day!


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