Bantam Chicken and her peeps

I am really not a fan of Bantam Chickens. I prefer my Rhode Island Reds and Black Austrolorpes. They are good and consistent egg layers. I originally bought bantam chicks because I thought they were pretty. I purchased 5 chicks and ended up with one rooster. He is a tough little guy. I carry a stick when I enter their territory. He can really hurt you when he attacks. One time I was feeding my feral kits and I didn't see him creep up behind me. He jumped on my back and dug his toes into my shoulder. I nearly fainted with fright!
Anyhow one of female Bantams disappeared for about 2 weeks. I couldn't find her anywhere. Her wings haven't been clipped so I knew she could fly about if necessary. One evening during feeding chores, I lifted a flake of hay that had fallen and there she was nesting! I decided to leave her alone and to see what would happen. I have caught her before trying to nest, but she never stayed long on the eggs. This time was different. A few days ago I lifted the flake of hay to find her and a chick. I guess it takes about 24-48 hours for all of the eggs to hatch. I will move her to a safer place in a few days.
Update: I did move her and her 4 chicks. It has been fun to watch her feed her chicks and to see them jump on their mother. She sings to them at night while they are tucked under her feathers. Who said farming was uneventful??


  1. If someone did actually say that farming is uneventful, I think they never spent any time on one.

    Congratulations on the chicks. :-)


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