The Karner Blue Butterfly

Butterflies and Moths-
The Karner Blue Butterfly

Last weekend I attended one of Master Naturalist courses taught through MSU Extension. It was on butterflies and moths native to Michigan. It took place at the Kent County Extension office and was about 3 hours long. It was fabulous and very interesting. I thought I would share one of the butterflies we learned about.

The Karner Blue Butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis) is a native Michigan species. It is considered endangered. If you are planting a garden or expanding your current one consider adding native Lupine. Lupine (Lupinus perennis). 

You can find seeds/plants at the River City Wild Ones.…/

Or learn more about the Karner Blue at…/0,4570,7-153-10370_12145_12204-33…
